In the aftermath of Earth’s transformation, where only mutant and deviant life forms remain, the Alien Nation introduces Lagos—an imposing yet irresistibly seductive creature. With its imposing stature and mesmerizing features, Alien Nation Stroker - Lagos quickly became a beloved icon among the sex-positive inhabitants of the new world.
Out-of-This-World Design: Crafted from body-safe silicone, Lagos features a tantalizing interior channel that’s incredibly detailed to provide unmatched pleasure. Its silky soft texture, combined with the unique curves, nubs, and ridges, ensures an intensely satisfying experience from start to finish.
Key Features:
- Body-Safe Silicone Construction: Soft to the touch and gentle on sensitive areas, ensuring comfortable and safe use.
- Tantalizing Interior Channel: Designed with pleasurable ridges and nubs to intensify every stroke.
- Alien-Goddess Entry: The carefully crafted entryway adds a touch of fantasy for fans of the extraterrestrial.
- Closed-End Design: Provides rigorous pleasure with each use while maximizing suction and stimulation.
- Dazzling Jewel-Like Indigo Tones: Adds a visual allure that enhances the experience.
- Overall Length: 6 inches
- Width: 2.5 inches
- Opening: 1 inch
Warranty: One Year
Indulge in the ultimate futuristic fantasy with the Alien Nation Stroker - Lagos. Its sensual textures and incredible attention to detail promise a unique, otherworldly experience like no other.